Final Fantasy Mode and New Game Plus Save Game Files v1.0
These save files are for those who have already played the game on PS5, those who want to start right away with Final Fantasy Mode/NG Plus, and those who want a challenge with a low leveled Final Fantasy Mode file.
There are six files in total:
– Files 1-3 are Game Clear Files. They have all weapons, accessories, and all stats/abilities maxed.
– File 4 starts before the Fall of Phoenix Gate, File 5 starts afterwards. Both carry over all gear, stats etc from the first three files.
– File 6 starts before the fall of Phoenix Gate, but you start at level 15 with base game gear. This is for those who want a challenge.
Please note that these files only work with the Complete Version of the Game (All DLC purchased)
FFXVI saves files in PNGs. All you need to do is go to Documents/My Games/Final Fantasy XVI/[EGS or Steam]/[ID] and copy-paste the image. They are named 00## (like 0001, 0002, etc).